Sunday 15 May 2011

{ Graded Unit }

For the HND graded unit you have to write your own brief that corresponds to one of the 5 given themes. I chose to do the theme 'Committed to Grow'. I decided to create a book that brings to light the troubles of peer pressure. I targeted the book for children of twelve to fourteen and covered three major points that I felt were important and were the most likely candidates for early teens to battle. These were Drinking and Smoking, Taking Drugs and dressing inappropriately. Each chapter was broken down into sections of before introduction to peer pressure, initial peer pressure, giving into peer pressure and result. I designed this book as a subtle scare tactic, where it would show what would happen if you give in and try to deter the reader from following in the characters foot steps. I illustrated the book in a realistic style so the reader would have a tie to the character.

Here are a few page spreads to give you an example
of what the illustrations are like.

The book was printed at

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